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Igor works towards independence

Thank you for supporting The Association for the Cohesive Development of the Amazon (ADCAM), which provides youth in Manaus, Brazil the chance to reach their utmost potential. Your support helps cover tuition costs for someone like Igor. He is grateful for such assistance and provided a message below:

I wish to tell you a little about myself and my objectives in taking the Youth Apprentice course. Those of us in the course are young, but should we get support to finish, the world has much more to offer us than we can look forward to without this education.

I live with my mom but one day I want to be independent. That’s why I give my best so that I can go far in this long and difficult road. I’m very thankful for the opportunity. It’s people like you who help to move the world forward through your generosity. I know for certain that education is fundamental for any professional success. Because I get a chance to take this course, I’ve leaped ahead of many people. But it’s not to leave them behind, but to be able to help them later on to also pursue their dreams.

Thank you all for supporting ADCAM and Igor!

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